Monday, March 9, 2009

Stuff on my mind

So, after having a moment yesterday where I really wanted to talk to my friends (and after seeing my crazy sister is trying to have a blog) I decided "Hey...why not". I figure at least this way I'll be able to communicate when I lose my phone. Which, by the way I have done AGAIN.

So, I went shoping this Saturday again for wedding stuff. I picked up a bunch (and by a bunch I mean all they had) of orange and teal paper to use for programs. Ricky and I probably looked like freaks standing in the middle of Hobby Lobby counting big stack of cardstock. He was so good though! He let me drag him to Hobby Lobby and Michaels with only minimal impatience.

I also got stuff to make the flowergirl's headbands. I'm not really sure what I'm doing there, but I figure I'll give it try. If they look really dumb I can always just buy them a pretty headband.

I'm starting to get a little stressed about all of the little things that need to be done. On the one hand it still seems early to get started, but on the other I'd rather not wait until August to do them. Ricky says he works better with a deadline....I think he just doesn't want to play in the flowers and girly stuff (which is fine by me).

Oh, then there's Ricky's sister, Charity. Her and Tom (her boyfriend) just got engaged...a little less than a month ago. They originally set their wedding for May of 2010. Well, we just found out yesterday that they've moved it up to Sept. 12. Two weeks before ours. I think it's bugging Ricky. Yesterday he kept saying "I told you that was going to happen. I knew they'd end up getting married before us." I don't know, it doesn't really bother me, but even if it did it's one of those things. We couldn't tell her that it bothers us without looking like big jerks. Besides I know our weddings are going to be completely different. I just don't want his family to be all burnt out by the time ours rolls around.

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